[16 inches wide by 20 inches high, brushed aluminum]
Let my prayer rise up as incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. [Psalm 141:2]
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, I participated in an online study of the Book of Lamentations led by my associate rector. During this time, the Holden Evening Prayer liturgy surfaced as one of the communal “songs” that I have especially missed during this time of sheltering and social distancing. My sense of loss prompted me to find a YouTube video that made it possible for me to sing the liturgy whenever I want. While this was hardly a substitute for the experience of worshiping in community, it did provide a sense of comfort for this time of “exile” from the gathered assembly.
The background “texture” for this work (printed onto brushed aluminum) is the text of a canticle from the Holden Evening Prayer liturgy. The biblical focus is Psalm 141:2, upon which the canticle is based.