I am pleased to make several collections of my work available for lease/loan to venues throughout the United States:
Sticks & Stones began as a lament over the deterioration in the tone of public discourse in our nation, but it evolved into a broader exploration of the impact of language in all human relationships. Each of the matted-and-framed paper collages in the 43-piece collection pairs stick-and-stone images with quotations that invite reflection on the profound significance of human verbal expression. The exhibition fee is $300 (plus shipping) for a period of four-to-six weeks.
The Great O Antiphons is a seven-piece installation inspired by the ancient Advent collects of the same name. The installation dimension of the collection is 176 inches wide by 41 inches high. In particular demand during the Advent season, the exhibition fee for this collection is $300 (plus shipping) for a period of four-to-six weeks.
Passion Pilgrimage: Journey along the Way of the Cross is a collection featuring 18 small works, each measuring approximately 13 inches by 13 inches, with each piece highlighting a signpost on Jesus’ journey from Passion Sunday to Easter. The collection lends itself to various installations, the most effective being a linear format that allows “space” between the works and cultivates an experience of devotional pilgrimage. The exhibition fee is $300 (plus shipping) for a period of up to seven weeks.
Each exhibition collection includes signage and a sample media release for promoting the exhibition. With advance notice, color postcards can be provided at a modest cost. Please note that exhibition the fee does not include shipping fees, which will be billed at-cost.
Click HERE to view the collections.
I welcome inquiries about the collections via email at linda@lindahenke.com.