In conversation with parishioners of First Presbyterian Church in Flint, MI, about creating a design for their worship space, someone remarked that the congregation’s first building had been “down by the river.” That comment brought to mind the words of Ezekiel 31:7: The tree was beautiful in its greatness, in the breadth of its branches, […]
This collection was inspired by the beautiful, powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit that dates back to the thirteenth century. Known as the “Golden Sequence,” the prayer has been spoken and sung across the centuries and in a host of languages. The words of Veni Sancte Spiritus gives voice to the longings of God’s people in every time and place for the Holy Spirit to be active within and among us, enlivening our discipleship and empowering our engagement in God’s work in the world.
The collection was commissioned by First Presbyterian Church in Flint, MI.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. [Revelation 21:6] This design, inspired by Jesus’ words in Revelation 21, reminds us that, in every time and season of life, we reside securely in the knowledge that ours is a God of every time and every season. This spiral design for this […]
Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. [Amos 5:24] This work is an abstract interpretation of a waterfall that prompts at least three possible interpretations. Its inspiration is three-fold: a reference to the longings of the prophet Amos (see above), to the incarnational waters of Jesus’ birth (when justice and […]
40 inches wide by 70 inches high This digital design was commissioned as a banner for Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, MO. Genesis speaks of the Tree of Life in the garden that held the knowledge of both good and evil and that became the vehicle from humankind’s fall from grace. The prophet Ezekiel declares that […]
GLORIA DEI – Ordinary Time
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabric used to create an Ordinary Time parament for a congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. They are intended to complement the stained-glass windows, which are the work of Scott Parsons. Save Save
GLORIA DEI – Pentecost
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabric used to create a Pentecost parament for a congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. They are intended to complement the stained-glass windows, which are the work of Scott Parsons. Save Save Save
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabric used to create a Lenten parament for a congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. They are intended to complement the stained-glass windows, which are the work of Scott Parsons. Save Save Save
GLORIA DEI – Christmas/Easter
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabric used to create a Christmas/Easter parament for a congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. They are intended to complement the stained-glass windows, which are the work of Scott Parsons. Save Save Save
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabric used to create an Advent parament for a congregation in Sioux Falls, SD. They are intended to complement the stained-glass windows, which are the work of Scott Parsons. Save Save Save
Alpha and Omega
Inspired by Jesus’ assertion that he is “the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End,” this collection includes two banners, plus paraments for the communion table, ambo, and lectern. Constructed from from silk dupioni with metallic appliqué, the collection is for use during the liturgical seasons of Christmas and Easter, as well as on […]
The design for this processional cross was inspired by Jesus’ assertion in John 6 that he is “the Bread of Life.” The bread forms were constructed from bread-dough clay, which were then mounted into a wooden frame. Save
This digital design was recreated from an earlier work for execution on commercially printed fabric. The finished work, measuring 28 feet wide by 12 feet high, is installed on the chancel wall of a congregation in Minnesota. The design gives expression to the Body of Christ, both in the person of Jesus and in his […]
Drawing inspiration from the diamond-shaped windows in the congregation’s worship space, this design utilizes gold, ivory, and white fabrics in various textures and finishes to create the illusion of interwoven bands. The collection references the liturgical seasons of Christmas (when God was bound to humankind through Jesus’ incarnation) and Easter (when humankind was bound to […]
The design for this 22-foot-by-22-foot tapestry called for one-inch strips of fabric to be woven into synthetic poultry netting. Executed in collaboration with hundreds of members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Indiana-Kentucky Synod, the completed tapestry bore witness to the ways that God joins disparate gifts and perspectives into shared purpose and common […]
This digital design was commissioned by the ELCA’s Indiana-Kentucky Synod for its 2015 Synod Assembly. It was executed as stretched canvases, projection graphics, and electronic and print imagery. Save Save Save
This design was inspired by the account in Exodus 3 of Moses’ encounter with God in the burning bush. In a response to Moses’ inquiry about how God wished to be known, God responds with a word that may be translated as “I will be who I will be.” For me, this suggests that God […]
This collection employs a hand-woven design motif that created multiple cruciforms. Utilizing a variety of textures and finishes in colors of white and metallic gold, the resultant weavings bear witness to the belief that Christ’s resurrection transformed Calvary’s cross into an enduring symbol of God’s love and grace for all people. The collection was constructed […]
(48 inches wide by 53 inches high by 6 inches deep) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace […]
This vestment-and-parament design focuses on three elements: the graphic images of the cross and the crown and the text of the word Alleluia. The design was executed in brocade and embellished with appliqué and fringe. Save
This design, which fashions a graphic crown of thorns out of the Davidic star, reminds us that it was at the cross that the One who was born Emmanuel demonstrated the full extent of his commitment to become one with humankind. This collection of liturgical textiles was constructed from brocade with satin appliqué and fringed […]
For he (Paul) is an instrument whom I have chosen. [Acts 9.15] The inspiration for this design came from a juxtaposition of the biblical call narrative of the apostle whose name the commissioning congregation bears and the sometimes-blinding intensity of the New Mexico sun. Then, as now, encounter with the Divine has the power to […]
The tree was beautiful in its greatness, in the breadth of its branches, for its roots went down to abundant water. [Ezekiel 31:7] This graphic, abstract design was inspired by the majestic cottonwoods that line Albuquerque’s Rio Grande River. It gives visual expression to God’s steadfast presence and abundant provision throughout this congregation’s historic past, […]
Let Justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream. The design for these vestments and paraments was inspired by the above words of the prophet Amos. They were created from artist-dyed silk and commercial silk dupioni, then embellished with metallic piping, couched threads, and improvisational machine stitching. These ecclesiastical textiles are […]
This set of reversible paraments lifts up two themes for the liturgical season of Ordinary Time: Inspired by Genesis 1, “Face of the Waters” (left) forges a connection between God’s creative activity in moving over the face of the waters to form the world and God’s re-creative activity in moving through the baptismal waters to […]
Commissioned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to mark the denomination’s election of its first female Presiding Bishop, this project included two copes, a chasuble, three stoles, and a dalmatic. The Trinitarian design featured a globe (Creator), cross (Redeemer), and abstract flames (Sanctifier). The collection was introduced at the installation of Presiding Bishop Elizabeth […]
This digital design was created to support and enhance parish, judicatory, and church-wide observances of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The design’s vibrant red-orange-gold color scheme conveys a sense of God’s ongoing activity within and among God’s people. Hymn texts in the background of each panel add texture and bear witness to […]
Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies it bears much fruit. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honor. Inspired by […]
(176 inches wide by 41 inches high) The design for this series was inspired by “The Great O Antiphons,” a collection of prayers dating back as far as the fourth or fifth centuries and intended for use during the final seven days before Christmas. The prayers, each of which address God using an Old Testament […]
The design for this vestment was inspired by the skyline of Jerusalem. It was executed with layers of black tulle over natural linen, then embellished with hand stitching. The stole is intended for use during the Nativity of Our Lord at Christmas and the Resurrection of Our Lord at Easter. Save
In the beginning was the Word …. [John 1] This design was inspired by the realization that the star that signaled the birth of the Savior appeared in the same sky that was called into existence at creation and that captures our gazes all these years later. The movement inward to the center of the […]
This collection of digital designs are available as commercially printed fabrics for use in creating banners. Additional information is available HERE. Save
(85 inches wide by 96 inches high by 6 inches deep) Let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. This mixed-media design is a contemporary, abstract interpretation of a waterfall, inspired by the longing ingredient in the lament of the prophet Amos (articulated above). The design could also be interpreted as […]
Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever flowing stream. Inspired by these words from Amos 5, the design for this work gives expression to the hope ushered into the world through the incarnational waters of Jesus’ birth. Fashioned from dye-painted habotai silk, this work was embellished with couched silk cording and […]
All Posts The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Inspired by these words in John 1, this design interprets two parallel movements inherent in the Advent season – order emerging out of chaos and light piercing the darkness. Together, these movements affirm an important thematic emphasis that has […]
Living Water of salvation, be the fountain of each soul; springing up in new creation, flow in us and make us whole. Inspired by these words of Marty Haugen’s “Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery,” this design evokes connection with the ancient baptismal emphasis of the liturgical season of Lent, which extends from Ash Wednesday […]
This design was inspired by Jesus’ offer in John 4 to give the Samaritan woman at the well water that satisfies all thirsts. This motif, executed in dye-painted silk, also references the Living Water of baptism by which we enter into the Body of Christ, the Church, and through which we are propelled […]
This digital design, which links an Indiana congregation’s core values with seasons of the Christian liturgical calendar, was executed as commercially printed fabrics used to create a collection of banners to adorn a newly constructed worship space. Each banner measures 48 inches by 132 inches. Save Save
Seasonal Banners
This digital design was executed as commercially printed fabrics, which were used to create a collection of banners for a congregation in Arizona. The banners, each measuring 48 inches wide by 132 inches high, celebrate the seasons of the Christian liturgical calendar: (from left to right) Advent, Christmas and Easter, Epiphany and Ordinary Time, Lent, […]
The vestment and parament design was inspired by the various thorned plants indigenious to the geographic area of the congregation that commissioned the collection. The design was executed by piecing fabrics of varying contents, colors, and textures, then adding machine appliqued embellishments. Save
The design for this clergy stole depicts the power of the Spirit to transform brokenness into empowerment. The design was executed using fused layers of cotton, silk, synthetic, and metallic fabrics, then embellished with couched threads and improvisational machine stitching. Save
These digital designs were executed as commercially printed fabrics used to create changeable backgrounds for a wooden Tree of Life for a congregation in Minnesota. The colors reflect changes reminiscent of the season of Ordinary Time, which includes the Feast of All Saints and Reformation. Save Save Save
(approximately 56 inches wide by 43 inches high) The tree was beautiful in its greatness, in the breadth of its branches, for its roots went down to abundant water. [Ezekiel 31:7] This design employs the stylized image of a tree to envision the life of God’s people, the Church — the span of its branches […]
Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. The design for this four-piece collection of vestments and paraments employs abstract imagery reminiscent both of Pentecost flame and Baptismal dove to celebrate the Spirit’s empowerment of God’s people in every time and place. The design’s contrasting colors reflect manifold manifestations […]
Holy Spirit, come to us. This design, inspired by a repetitive chant from the Taizé community, references both flame and dove as tangible signs of the Spirit’s coming at Pentecost. The many, many fabrics pieced into this design bear witness to the Spirit’s gifts of infinite variety and amazing diversity; the gold highlights emphasize the […]
(42 inches by 77 inches) This work images the Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity in gifting and empowering God’s people, both for ministry in the Church and for mission throughout the world, first documented at Pentecost (Acts 1 and 2). The design, which was commissioned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was executed using hand-dyed […]
(59 inches wide by 41 inches high) I am the Vine; you are the branches. [John 15:5] This design combines imagery of leaves in muted expressions of colors associated with the Christian liturgical calendar, branches formed from the words of a congregation’s mission statement, and a copper cross anchored by four gold squares to emphasize […]
This design, inspired by the style of the stained-glass windows in a large congregation’s small chapel, uses abstract imagery to depict the waters of baptism, through which we are claimed as God’s children. It was executed using artist-dyed fabrics, then embellished with paint and appliqued trim. It was designed for year-round use in this sacred […]